Ex-Olympian also among fake degree holders in PIA

Ex-Olympian also among fake degree holders in PIA

International Hockey Player Kamran Ashraf’s matric degree found tempered

Pak Chronicle Report


Legendary former International Hockey Kamran Ashraf’s matric degree has been found tempered in the records of Pakistan International Airline Corporation (PIAC).

Kamran Ashraf a former Olympian and former international hockey player’s metric degree was issued by Secondary Board Karachi and it was found ‘tempered.’ The action against ‘offence’ is still in process.

This was stated by Minister Aviation Division in the Senate recently in reply to a question asked by Senator Mian Ateeq Shaikh.

MQM-Pakistan’s Senator had asked the Minister In-Charge of Aviation Division whether educational certificates/degrees of large number of PIA have been found fake during the last five years.

The senator had sought details in this connection indicating also the action taken against them and those responsible for appointing them in PIA.

Replying to this question the Aviation Division stated that a total of 466 employees’ educational certificates/degrees found fake/bogus/tempered during last five years (June 1st, 2014 to June 1st 2019).

The reply of the division maintained that PIAC is devising a policy for an early verification of credentials maximum during probationary period and the employee will only be confirmed after verification of educational documents. Furthermore, any person having fake cannot escape from his liability on the ground of limitations as submission of fake degree is an offence under the law.

According to this reply the educational degrees/certification of a few captains, cadet pilots and employees of other cadres were found either bogus or tempered.

This reply maintained that Ashraf’s matric degree issued by Secondary Karachi Board was also found tempered and action against this forgery is yet to be taken as it is still in process.  

Kamran Ashraf is an employee of PIAC as hockey coach.

Born September on 30, 1973, Kamran Ashraf is a former field hockey player. He was born in Sialkot.

He played 166 internationals from 1993 to 2002 and scored 129 goals. He played at centre forward position.

Ashraf is an Olympian too. He played in the 2000 Summer Olympics where he performed with a lot of consistency and potential. He was a student of the Habib Public School which is well known for producing many all-time greats. The school has produced the greats in the field of cricket, swimming and many other sports.



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