Massive migration of minorities looms due to Hindu extremists in India: Shehryar Afridi

Massive migration of minorities looms due to Hindu extremists in India: Shehryar Afridi

Afridi urges world to take cognizance of Indian atrocities in Indian Occupied Kashmir


Minister for SAFRON and Narcotics Control Shehryar Khan Afridi Thursday warned against massive migration of Muslims, Christians, Sikh and Dalits from India due to the planned violence against minorities by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and its sister Hindu extremist organisations under the Hindutva policy of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, stated a press release issued on Thursday.

He has feared that massive migration of minorities looms due to Hindu extremists in India.

In a meeting with Regional Director of International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Ms Maria Nenette Motus, Shehryar Afridi said that the world must act now to stop this planned genocide being committed by Hindutva regime of India against the Indian minorities, it further stated.

Country Director, IOM Pakistan, Mr David Terzi and Jonathan were also present besides Chief Commissioner Afghan Refugees Mr Salim Iqbal.

“If the world fails to act now, I fear that the world have to deal with more migrants. Already the world is dealing with migrants from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and many other countries. India has already declared nearly two million Muslims as non-residents,” the minister said, adding that the migrants’ influx may further open floodgates of poverty in the region.

Referring to India’s recent forceful annexation and illegal occupation of Kashmir, Afridi said that if the world fails to act now, the migrants issue may further complicate.

“The world must take cognizance of the atrocities against Muslims in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK). Despite over 70 days of curfew, Kashmiris are still reeling under the siege by over 900,000 Indian forces.

Kashmir siege may open floodgates of influx of refugees. India has already declared two million Muslims in Assam as non-residents.  This would create a new crisis of refugees the world would have to deal with,” said the minister.

Afridi warned that any miscalculation may trigger a nuclear conflict in the region as armies of both Pakistan and India are eyeball to eyeball at the Line of Control (LoC).

“Conflict resolution needs to be done before you have to jump in for firefighting,” asserted the minister. He said that as a responsible global player, Pakistan is catering to 4.8 million refugees including two million Beharis and Bengalis.

“Despite our financial crisis, government of Pakistan would make no compromise on generous hosting of refugees,” he added.

According the press release IOM Regional Director Ms Maria Nenette Motus said Pakistan has done a lot for the cause of refugees and migrants and IOM would lend its support to help Pakistan showcase its contributions for the migrant community.


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