PMA demands reinstatement of PMDC

PMA demands reinstatement of PMDC

Pak Chronicle Report


Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) has demanded reinstatement of Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC), which should be an autonomous, democratic, transparent and vibrant body comprising of elected and nominated members as per 1962 ordinance.

Moreover, it also demanded a complete overhauling of Medical Education and Training of doctors according to recent trends in the world.

In a press conference which was held at PMA House in Karachi on Friday PMA (Centre) demanded a people friendly National Health Policy based on the ground realities of the country besides asking for adequate health budgets with assurance that allocated amount will be spent with honesty.

Dr SM Qaisar Sajjad, Secretary General PMA Centre and other office bearer of it demanded a check on the mushroom growth of Medical Colleges and Universities regarding the faculties, infrastructure and tuition fee etc besides demanding forced vaccination and immunization for the whole nation and straightening the EPI program.

Other demands of PMA (Centre) include: effective campaign for elimination of quackery, Campaign against spurious and substandard drugs, prices of essential medicines should be within the reach of common men, clean water and sanitation for every citizen and campaign against adulterated foods.

PMA also demanded a total ban on Chalia,  Gutka, Naswar, Manpuri, Naswar and other types of tobacco use.  Implementation of Prohibition of Smoking 2002 ordinance, which says no smoking at public places.
It stated that Pakistan, a country having a population of over 219,006,884, stands fifth in the world, with one of the fastest growing populations. The country is facing challenges like poverty, illiteracy, energy crisis, terrorism and, indeed, a massive burden of diseases.

Pakistan Medical Association (PMA), through its health of the nation report highlights these pressing issues. PMA also offers recommendations and places a charter of demands for the government to implement.

It is some reflection on the unfortunate state of affairs that the voice of PMA always fall on deaf ears regardless of the nature and orientation of the government in place at any given period of time, Dr Qaisar Sajjad sated.

He said for the last many, many years, the health indicators have failed to show any positive trend. He said in fact, in some of the areas things have gone from bad to worse.

According to WHO recommendations, the health budget of any country should at least be 6% of the national GDP. In our case, the health budget, despite repeated PMA pleas and reminders to the government, has remained less than 1%, out of which 80% is spent on salaries and administrative costs, he said.

According to PMA Of the 20% that is the share of the poor masses, corruption eats up a major chunk, leaving a terribly negligible amount for the poor patients. Pakistan carries a heavy burden of diseases because of the poor healthcare delivery system at the primary level and due to lack of awareness and ignorance about the diseases. Most diseases are preventable through vaccination/immunization or by way of simple awareness and the provision of some very basic facilities by the government. For example, just by providing clean potable water and proper sanitation to the entire population, we can get rid of diseases like Diarrhea, Dysentery, Gastroenteritis, Typhoid, Hepatitis-A, E and many others. The fiscally-challenged country can save billions of rupees, which at present are consumed by the treatment of these very diseases, PMA opined.

Similarly, an effective vaccination/immunization program, carried out with honesty, commitment and professionalism, can eradicate for good diseases like Polio, TB, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Measles, Smallpox, Hepatitis, Typhoid, Meningitis, Pneumonia, Mumps, Rubella, etc. But, as the PMA has kept saying all these years, health and education are not priority areas of our governments. Time has proved the authenticity of PMA claims, but that is not the point. The need of the hour is for our government to put its act together, make a people-friendly health policy, increase the health budget, concentrate on preventive healthcare, eliminate corruption, honor merit and, above all, demonstrate a political will to address the issues of health and education in the country on a priority basis, PMA Charter of Demands maintains.


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