PMA expresses concerns over government’s decision to relax Covid related restrictions

PMA expresses concerns over government’s decision to relax Covid related restrictions

Pak Chronicle Report


Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) is very much concerned over the government’s decision to relax Covid related restrictions on commercial activities, schools, offices and other workplaces, allowing them to function at full strength, stated a press release issued by PMA (Centre) on Thursday.

According to it the permission of indoor wedding ceremonies and opening of cinemas and shrines has been granted with effect from March 15.  Number of spectators attending Pakistan Super League (PSL) matches has been allowed to increase. PMA believes that these restrictions should not be lifted till the vaccination of 70 % population of the country. This hasty decision could take us towards resurgence in number of cases that could increase the risk of third wave of Coronavirus in Pakistan.

According to the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) till today 585435 people have been affected by Coronavirus and 13076 have died so far. During last twenty four hours 1519 cases were reported positive and 64 people died of Covid-19.

According to information seven players of PSL have been found positive for coronavirus so the next matches of the tournament has been postponed. This is very unfortunate and regrettable. This all happened due to negligence in adopting preventive measures for coronavirus. Players were seen meeting others freely and the number of spectators was also increased at stadium.

This situation of coronavirus could also worsen in the country if all the restrictions are removed. Our vaccination campaign is already moving with slow pace. Government is not running the campaign seriously and healthcare workers are not bothered to be vaccinated. PMA requests all the healthcare workers to take the issue seriously and get vaccinated as soon as possible to avoid the deadly virus which has so killed 189 doctors and 30 paramedics.

The PMA requests government to initiate a media campaign to rule out all the miss concepts regarding the corona vaccine. The healthcare workers who have been vaccinated should be interviewed and broadcast on electronic media. There should be bombardment of vaccination messages at prime time.

PMA also suggests government to facilitate all the healthcare workers working in private sector and all the General Practitioners for speedy vaccination process so they could also be vaccinated sooner. All the general practitioners are willing to be vaccinated but perhaps government does not have data of GPs. This data should be maintained on priority basis so they all could all be vaccinated sooner.

According to the data Sinopharm Vaccine is not recommended for people aged above sixty so we request government to share the information about the vaccine it has decided to import for the age group of above sixty. The doctors above sixty are confused that which vaccine to be administered. We request government to take PMA onboard in this regard.

PMA being a major stakeholder would like to know which vaccines will be procured in future and what will be the efficacy of those vaccines, the side effects and all other related information should be shared with PMA so that we can disperse this information to our doctors.

PMA is ready to help and support government for media campaign for Corona Vaccine and for eradication of deadly virus from the country, concluded the press release.


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