Aap Jinab Sarkar Party Strongly Criticizes PM


Aap Jinab Sarkar Party Strongly Criticizes PM

By Chronicler


The head of Aap Jinab Sarkar Party (AJSP), Dr Nawab Ambar Shahzada has strongly criticized the approach of the premier Imran Khan which he has devised to correct the system of policing by paying surprised visits to different police stations.

Dr Shahzda is of the view that the primer is apparently not doing for what he was given mandate by the general public in the general election of July 2018.

The head of unregistered political party, AJSP believes that there is a mechanism to keep to have check on the police stations. According to him the interior minister of the country needs to play proactive role to improve the current law and order situation in the country.

He says the interior minister is the head of the affairs of internal security of the country and he is supposed to call IGs of every province almost every day to inquire from them the law and order situation in their respective provinces. However, he laments that instead to do the job systematically done things are being handled the other way.

In a correspondence with the Pak Chronicle he states that the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan is paying surprised visits to the police stations as though he is searching some honest SHO which could do the job of recovery of looted wealth of the country which was embezzled by the corrupt politicians during the period spanning over the decades.

He asks the premier to take measures to recover the looted money as it has been his foremost agenda during his entire political career.

“We are fed up and literally scared with honest persons like Mian Nawaz Sharif, Asif Ali Zardari, Dr Asim and others. We are also scared of honest officials and bureaucrats like Rao Anwar, Ahad Cheema.

The prosperity of the country lies with semi-corrupt politicians and with half-corrupt bureaucracy. Just try it and you would get wonderful results,” he further states.

However, according to Dr Shahzada, adopting the strategy to be fully corrupt is nothing else but a curse as it steals the future of generation.

He believes doing financial corruption is the way of living the life in which eventually the legal heirs of corrupt mafia themselves pave way for putting these corrupt elements behind the bars.

Dr Shahzada while addressing the PM says that he (Dr Shahzada) has reliably learnt that the premier got some spiritual connections as well with a few spiritual personalities. He asks him to learn the art of making recovery of looted money from these spiritual personalities or Peers.

“If you can’t do this job then Aap Jinab Sarkar Party is ready to get Sherwani ready for it as someone has to fill the vacuum for the sake of the country,” he further states.










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