A Dilemma Emerging from Trees’ Plantation on Road

A Dilemma Emerging from Trees’ Plantation on Road

Pak Chronicle Report


Tree are generally planted  alongside the road for numerous reasons but authorities in Rawalpindi  has started experimenting something different in this connection by planting trees on the road.

Recently numerous trees have been planted on Liaquat Road which connects Murree Road with Raja Bazar.

These trees have been planted by digging deep holes in the road by placing huge-size earth-filled barrels in the ground.

One may observe traffic congestion on this road almost every hour of the day because of massive vehicular movement from Murree Road to Raja Bazar.

The idea of planting trees during ongoing season is fabulous. However, trees plantation on the portion of the road meant for traffic does not seem a very good idea. There are numerous places in the city where trees’ plantation may be carried out without creating any hurdle of any sort.

In spring season which starts in February every year, trees may be planted alongside the footpaths of major thoroughfares. The banks of Lai Nullah are ideal places for planting trees which would also be helpful to control land erosion besides improving atmosphere.

Let the roads be for traffic is an appreciable idea which needs to be implemented in true spirit. Traffic in the city is already facing bottleneck like situation almost all around in the city and tree planation on the roads would generate further issues.

Liaquat Road is also blessed with sizeable footpath on both sides of it. However, the motorists use it for parking their vehicles and motorcyclists use it for riding their bikes over it when its rush hours in the city.

Movement of pedestrians is always difficult over the footpath because of issues mentioned above. One may unfortunately be hit by any motorcyclists while walking on the footpath. Strolling on the footpath due to any reason also involves risks these days.

Authorities also planted trees on footpaths of Murree Road especially in the area between Committee Chowk and Liaquat Bagh. Trees plantation on footpaths may discourage motorcyclists to ride on footpaths if traffic police is unable to control them and keep them on the roads.


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