Govt itself violating order of social distancing

Govt itself violating order of social distancing

Pak Chronicle Report


The spread of pandemic coronavirus is a nightmare for the entire world and concept of social distancing is not only being realized but also implemented in literal meaning in some countries to avoid the virus spread.

There is no vaccination available to treat the patients who contract coronavirus and medical experts believe that in current scenario social distancing and self-isolation is the only fruitful mean to avoid its spread.

However, this concept of social distancing is yet to be implemented in literal spirit by the government itself.

On Saturday on the occasion of distribution of ration bags in Rawalpindi in needy persons by Governor Punjab Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar no procedure was followed to maintain social distancing.

The governor Punjab distributed ration bags among the needy at the office of Rawalpindi Chambers of Commerce and Industry (RCCI).

The Directorate of Public Relations, Government of the Punjab had also requested the media for the live coverage of the event.

The event was marked with massive gathering of public and it was sort of shoulder to shoulder thing.

There was hardly any space between the participants which may be called as social distancing and it seemed that as though it was a routine gathering and the pandemic hasn’t started its spread.

The government functionaries need to learn that they must set standards themselves for the public to control the pandemic and social distancing is one of those things which need to be implemented in literal spirit.


Photo by Rasheed Ahmad


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