Writers celebrate Independence Day by holding a seminar and planting trees
Report by Pak Chronicle
Writers celebrated 77the Independence Day by holding seminar on freedom and planting trees.
Those attended independence celebrations at Scouts Centre, located in Gulshan-e- Iqbal area included:
Gulnaz Mehmood, Dr Rais Ahmed Samdani, Zaib Azkaar Hussain, Dr Irfan Shah, Majeed Rehmani (who also acted as coordinator the function) Kaleem Ali Khan, Usman Damohi, Muhammad Arif Soomro, Sibghat Shah and others.
Mr Ali, a music teacher and singer recited national songs on this occasion.
Later Sindh Boy Scouts Association (BSA) Provincial Secretary Syed Akhtar Meer thanked the writers to come and celebrate the Independence Day.
Earlier at the seminar, the speakers demanded of the government to implement Urdu as official language without further delay as it was a constitutional requirement.
The speakers pledged to promote unity and national solidarity.
They also vowed to put their all efforts to get implemented the verdict of the apex court of the country declaring Urdu as official language.
As many as five literary organisations jointly held a seminar on unity, national solidarity and implementation of Urdu as official language.
Gulnaz Mehmood Chairperson of Urdu Sindhi Adabi Sangat, on this occasion launched a campaign of tree plantation and urged the writers and scholars to do plantation for making an environmental friendly atmosphere.
The representatives of Urdu Sindh Adabi Sangat, Urdu Ittehad Pakistan, Bazme Asatiza Urdu (Sindh) and Aalmi Ilmi-o Adabi Forum, were present at the seminar.

The seminar was presided over by Dr Rais Samdani. Zaib Azkaar Hussain was chief guest on the occasion.
Dr Irfan Shah delivered keynote address who spoke at length on the issue of unity and implementation of Urdu.
Dr Rais Ahmed Samdani, Zaib Azkaar Hussain, Majeed Rehmani, Gulnaz Mehmood in their speeches stressed on promotion of all spoken languages and application of Urdu as official language in all offices, courts and other institutions.