Imran Khan yet to play his last card

Imran Khan yet to play his last card

By Pak Chronicle Desk

Former Chief Minister (CM) of Balochistan, Nawab Aslam Raisani again showed his wit and humor by suggesting that former premier of Pakistan, Imran Khan has not played his final card yet.

He is of the view that Imran Khan is yet to play his final card and this card is nothing else but his national identity card.

In a tweet on Thursday, the former CM of Balochistan, stated that Imran Khan has not played all his cards yet.

He is of the view on the social media platform that still there is one card with the former premier which has not been played by him.

He says this card is nothing else but his (national) identity card, in his tweet which is supposed to be his own account on the social media application.

Mostly Nawab Aslam Raisani is known for his witty remarks about the educational degree. During the term of General Pervez Musharraf, when a graduation degree was declared mandatory to become a member of the parliament, there had been cases of fake degrees.

While responding to a question about fake degrees, he once had stated: “A degree is a degree irrespective of the fact whether it is fake or genuine.”

Despite the lapse of many years this quote of him is still comically used whenever there arises a question pertaining to a fake educational degree.

Raisani is the chief of the Raisani tribe of the Sarawan area in Balochistan. He succeeded to the title as eldest son, to the late Nawab Ghous Baksh Khan Raisani.

He maintains an interest in developing his own landed estates and is President of the Chamber of Agriculture in Balochistan.

 He also has an interest in preserving wildlife and is a lifetime member of the Wildlife Conservation Society. With assets worth 21 billion rupees, he is supposed to be the richest parliamentarian of Balochistan, and among the wealthiest of Pakistanis.

Raisani was elected four times as member of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan. He served as the Chief Minister of Balochistan from 9 April 2008 until 14 January 2013.

The veteran politician and chief of the Sarawan tribe had

Imran Khan’s picture, taken from internet

 (JUI-F) on December 8 last year.

He had made this decision in public during a ceremony at Quetta’s Sarwar House.

The chief of JUI-F Maulana Fazlur Rehman and secretary general of the religious party, Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri were present on the occasion.

A large number of elders of the Raisani tribe had the support of  the former CM Balochistan in this decision.

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