Pakistan offers talks to India

Pakistan offers talks to India

PM Shehbaz offers ‘sincere’ talks with India to resolve disputes including Kashmir

By Chronicler


Pakistan has offered sincere talks to India to resolve chronic issues between the two countries including the most burning issue of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJK).

Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif during an interview with Al Arabia news channel asked his counterpart Narendra Modi to hold serious and sincere talks on burning issues to resolve them accordingly.

During an interview with the news channel he said: “My message to the Indian leadership and Prime Minister Narendra Modi is that let us sit down at the table and have serious and sincere talks to resolve our burning issues like Kashmir.”

The Pakistani premier also talked on human rights violations which are taking place in Indian Occupied Kashmir. He also shed light on the plight of minorities in India who are being persecuted.

India’s Parliament had abrogated the special status of Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 on August 5, 2019 and bifurcated it into two Union territories. Reacting to India’s decision, Pakistan had downgraded ties with New Delhi and also suspended trade relations.

Since the abrogation of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir by the Indian government, there has been cold bilateral relations between Pakistan and India.

PTI criticizes talks’ offer by Shehbaz Sharif to India: However, after the offer of the talks to India, the opposition party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) strongly criticized this offer of the premier and termed it as ‘begging.’

While giving his reaction to the premier’s offer to his Indian counterpart Modi, Fawad Chaudhry said that he is shocked by this statement of Shahbaz Sharif.

“Our stand is that Modi Janta must reverse the constitutional position of Kashmir to its original, only then Pak will negotiate. Begging for talks is not Pakistan’s policy. We strongly reject this approach of Shahbaz (Shehbaz) Sharif. (He) cannot be allowed to sell Kashmir,” he stated on Twitter.

The special status of Indian Occupied Kashmir was changed by the Indian government when Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf was in power in Pakistan.

Imran Khan had wanted Narendra Modi in power: At the time of election in India, the chairman PTI, Imran Khan had wished that Narendra Modi should win the election as he was hoping that BJP had the potential to resolve Kashmir while Indian Congress had no strength to do so.

  The wish of Imran Khan was fulfilled and Narendra Modi won the election after which he abrogated the special status of Indian Occupied Kashmir.

The government of PTI protested this move of the Indian government and it started a series of protest demonstration against it. The Pakistani citizens were asked to remain standstill on a specific time for a specific duration on a specific day to register their protest against it.

However, these protest demonstrations could not yield any results in terms of restoration of special status of Indian Occupied Kashmir.

However, now after the talk offer to  India by Shehbaz Sharif, the PTI has rejected it.

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