635 foreigners absorbed into Pak citizenry

Written reply’s image submitted to Senate by Ministry of Interior.

[wp_ad_camp_1]A few Indians, USA nationals, Russians, French and others get Pakistani nationality in 10 years

Pak Chronicle Report


There are number of Pakistanis who make headlines in the world in their bid to cross border of some European or other western countries, mostly to earn livelihood and getting citizenship or acquiring the permanent residence over there seems to be their prime aspiration.

However, there are a few foreigners who have been making attempts to get citizenship of Pakistan to become eligible for green passport.

Interestingly during past 10 years a total of 635 foreigners got Pakistani nationality who had different countries of origin including  the  countries which  are rated as ‘superpowers’ of the world including USA, Russia and others.

The Prime Minister Imran Khan’s promise that Pakistan would be a major economy  in the world and foreigners would love to come to Pakistan to making their living is yet to see the light of the day but a few hundreds Indian nationals surrendered their passports of different countries and preferred to obtain green passport.

A total of 461 Indian nationals applied for Pakistani citizenship and they eventually got it although it is not easy for any foreigner to get Pakistani nationality due to strict rules and regulations and firm scrutiny.
The statistics in this regard were shared by Ministry of Interior with the Senate recently on question of a Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar.  The senator had inquired from the Interior Ministry as how many foreigners were awarded Pakistani citizenship during the past 10 years.

In written reply it was revealed by the ministry that during past 10 years a total of 635 foreigners of 35 different countries were awarded Pakistani nationality and Indians were on top of the list, as far as most numbers are concerned in this regard during the mentioned period. Out of total tally, 73 percent persons who were awarded Pakistani citizenship had India as their country of origin.

There are millions of Afghans over here as refugees but only 43 could secure Pakistani nationality.

Twenty-two Sri Lankan got Pakistani nationality, 15 each Turkish and UK nationals secured green passport for them, 12 citizens of Philippine and 10 USA citizens got Pakistani  citizenship.

Switzerland is also amongst this list as six of its nationals preferred to obtained Pakistani citizenship over their country of origin.

Another superpower of the world Russia is also in this list because two of its citizens applied for Pakistani nationality and they eventually got it. Two French also secured the nationality while a citizen of Somalia also secured his nationality with Pakistan during the mentioned period.








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